Physical Therapy for Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is a condition that effects many of us daily. If you leak urine when you laugh, cough or sneeze or if you are running to the bathroom every hour you may have urinary incontinence.We may brush off our leaking  or pretend it is normal to run to the...
Exercises For Neck Pain

Exercises For Neck Pain

Neck pain is a common complaint today due to poor posture and the use of cell phones and computers.  Here are some great exercises for neck pain that along with posture correction can reduce your pain. Cervical Retraction Start by sitting up tall with equal weight on...
Shoulder Pain Causes and Solutions

Shoulder Pain Causes and Solutions

There are many possible causes of shoulder pain.  Here are the most common causes of shoulder pain and the solutions Old Post Physical Therapy can provide: Shoulder Joint Problems Our shoulders consist of 4 different joints.  They are the Gleno-Humeral joint,...